Philippe B, Dutch, German, English and French translator



My name is Philippe Blankert M Sc PhD . I grew up with three motherlanguages before I was 12: German, French and Dutch. I have Dutch nationality and have been living in the Netherlands now for 50 years. I am best in Dutch – shared second place: German and English. I translate with AI tools and then correct myself. I have – without false modesty – a very high level of understanding, and broad domain knowledge: from engineering (my first Master’s degree) to physics, biology (PhD), business analysis, HR (I have been HR manager as well), psychology up to mathematics. I am turning 60 soon. I work from home.

You can contact me on Please state the pair of languages, the direction of translation (as: FROM English INTO Dutch), the formality of translation you would like, amount of words, subject of the text and whether you want a special layout.
