How to Create a Self-Care Routine and Set Boundaries for Work-Life Balance

Freelancing can be highly beneficial when you’re motivated to reach your goals. However, pushing yourself to the limit by working odd hours or taking on a large workload can be stressful. If you’re in this position, making time for self-care and creating a positive work-life balance is essential. Here are some tips you can use to create your self-care plan.

Get Enough Sleep

One of the most crucial elements that can affect you physically and emotionally is the quality and duration of your sleep. 6 to 8 hours each day is recommended, depending on your energy level. Creating a night and morning routine is an excellent place to start. Monitor how you feel to help you get enough sleep each night and adjust when needed.

Do Some Type of Physical Activity

A second self-care tip is to perform some physical activity. Doing so can improve your mood, boost energy and promote better sleep. Think Christine from the movie “Lady Bird” (on DIRECTV STREAM) who takes walks to balance her stressful life. Other popular activities include the following:

– Biking

– Swimming

– Heavy Yardwork

– Aerobic Dancing

Eat Right

The food you consume is vital to your physical and mental health. Eating the right foods can help reduce brain fog and inflammation. Generally, eating lean proteins, whole grains and plenty of vegetables and fruits will be nutritious and can provide the energy you need to function at your optimum level, cognitively and physically.

Stop Multitasking and Set Boundaries

Learning and knowing when to put yourself first is crucial as a freelancer. Saying no to multitasking can help reduce costly errors and make you more productive. Focusing on your most important task and getting it done first is best. While doing so, remember to take breaks. After working for 90 minutes, a 15-minute break might be suitable. This tip includes saying ‘no’ to a coworker if asked for help on a project. Prioritizing your time and energy is crucial if you’re already swamped.

Take a Small Trip and Get Away

Disconnecting from your work can be beneficial and give you a fresh start when you return. Taking a self-care trip on the weekend now and then can help you rejuvenate and relax. Doing so doesn’t have to be expensive. Driving to see local sites, a nearby town or nature trails can help you exit your busy schedule for a short time and do something just for you.

Get Outside

Spending time outside can also be a great way to provide self-care for yourself. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors can improve your mental health and cognition and aid in stress reduction.

Spend Time With People in Person

While social media can be helpful and keep you connected, limiting the time spent on such apps can aid in staying more focused at work. Visiting friends in person can be beneficial as it boosts happiness, reduces stress and can improve your self-confidence. Having a healthy balance between social media and the time you spend with others will likely make you more productive and less stressed when working.


Focusing on your work as a freelancer is essential. However, it’s always wise to take time for self-care. This action helps ensure you stay balanced and spend only the time that’s needed on the professional aspect of life, which often leads to a win-win situation.


April 2023

Pic@Pixabay, Shivmirthyu
